Children: Love for All Our Little Ones

For all the children of the world, including the parenless, the homeless, the differently abled, the disabled, the sick and injured, the orphaned, the fostered, the hungry and the helpless, the most treasured of our Least Among Us, Jenny and Bob give ultimate priority to wrapping their hearts around each one.

They invite you to join them in partnership with these wonderful causes.



Everyone at Sentebale (“Forget-Me-Not”) serves vulnerable children and young people in Botswana and Lesotho, helping them access vital health services, receive care and support, and build skills to be more resilient and self-sufficient.


UNICEF – Working in over 150 countries, the United Nation’s International Childrens’ Emergency Fund (which Jenny and Bob have served for 60 years) provides children with health care, clean water, nutrition, education, protection from child trafficking, emergency relief, and more.  May we invite you to offer special help on November 20th Universal Children’s Day?

Angel Tree and Salvation Army – During the Winter Holidays, they select gifts for the little ones of the poor, of those in hardship, and of inmates, through Prison Fellowship and Salvation Army. Also, during Summer, they facilitate sending some of the children to Summer Camp.

Jenny Norton and Denise Rentschler have grocery-shopped each year for Tempe Salvation Army’s annual Thanksgiving Dinner for 300 guests, organized by Case Worker George Eastlick.





Crisis Nursery –

Our mission with the unsurpassed Crisis Nursery is to assist, by support, their gentle guiding staff towards breaking the cycle of child abuse and neglect, by providing protection, support and opportunities to the most diverse troubled families and their little ones..

We welcome you to visit their website to learn more about the Crisis Nursery.

Our Foundation also offers personal tours to their downtown Phoenix center, in order for you to learn more about how you can help protect the diverse vulnerable children and families of the Least Among Us that  they expertly serve.

May we invite you to phone Jenny, 480-831-5591, to accompany her?

Hope and Action –

Global Connections is Willow Creek’s response to the pressing needs of under-resourced communities, including 2.1 children living with AIDS, and 8.2 children orphaned because of AIDS.

Through relationships with local faith communities such as ours, organizations such as our Foundation, and Global Servants committed to wholistic transformation of their communities, they are able to serve on a global level.


ADVOCACY FOR OUR DISABLED NEIGHBORS –  As the daughter of the founder of the former 1960’s-70’s agency, Advocates for the Disabled, Jenny encourages our readers to support Disability Rights Advocates, Team Asa, as well as the Tempe Center for Habilitation, offering special needs services and  legal needs.

Disability Rights Advocates’ Expert Attorney, Ms. Haben Girma, Esq., who was the first deafblind graduate of Harvard’s School of Law, advocates for the most meaningful importance of accessible technology, and she explains that President Clinton had “provided a lot of support to the federal departments of education and rehabilitation services, and that really made a difference for me.”  We invite you to learn more, and to offer support, here:

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Team ASA

TEAM ASA is a non-profit organization that provides financial support for children, and adults, with physical and/or developmental disabilities, enabling them to join clubs, organizations and leagues that foster a sense of self, a sense of team, and an extended family.  May we invite you to join this loving extended family.  And we welcome you to please learn more from their website and from Ms. [email protected].



When we travel, even as adults, as grown-ups, waking up in a different guest room, hotel room, any new accommodation, we often jolt awake in apprehension, even fear.  We ask you to think about how this type of morning fear could impact our littlest ones of the Least Among Us: our Foster Children.

image1From Rick Rentschler: “Since 1983, the Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation has been promoting the self-esteem and enriching the lives of Arizona’s children in foster care by funding activities, entertainment and education.  Their simple awards – for compassionate tutoring to catch children up to grade level, music lessons, dance lessons, baseball equipment, soccer cleats, karate lessons, among many other things help children in foster care have the kind of normal quality experiences every child deserves.”

We give greatest thanks for the greatest hearts of Rick Rentschler, Denise Rentschler, Kris Jacober, Diane Daily, and Kirk Baxter.



And Every Child Deserves a Doctor, and the Ramsey Foundation is happy to announce that we will walk alongside the CHILDREN’S HEALTH FUND, which was co-founded in 1987 by singer/songwriter Paul Simon, with pediatrician/child advocate Irwin Redlener, MD and Executive Director Karen Redlener, MS.

We are dedicated to serve the CHILDREN’S HEALTH FUND with a specific focus on their mobile units to impoverished ares, such as our shelter for our homeless families with whom we are in ardently unsurpassed solidarity at the Central Arizona Shelter Services, and we invite you to serve as well.  Their commitment is loyal toward providing health care to the nation’s most medically underserved children.


Here are Bob Ramsey and Carlos Santana visiting about our Foundation’s donated ambulance to the most worthy Jalisco Centro Comunitario de Salud.

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All children are our children, and with all our love we have sent an ambulance, (one of 140 worldwide), for all our little ones who receive medical care at Carlos Santana’s Centro Comunitario de Salud in Jalisco, Mexico. (Bob Ramsey also presents a gift from his wife Jenny Norton to Mr. Carlos Santana).

Mayan Families

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A seventh-generation Quaker, Bob Ramsey’s life long experiences of meditation, of going into the Silence, has revealed to him what David Lynch also teaches, inside each of us “is an ocean of pure, vibrant consciousness”.  We join with David Lynch and his Foundation’s CEO, Bob Roth to share, with love, this awareness with our inner-city children.


Christmas in the Heart – Paul Snyder informs :”During a recession winter when U.S. employment (was) hovering near 10%, US royalties from ‘Christmas in the Heart’ are going to the charity organization ‘Feeding America.’  International royalties are going to charities in the UK and the developing world.”  Jenny adds:  more than four million meals to the hungry have already been guaranteed by Mr. Dylan, plus the music is preciously honest, gloriously meaningful, and provides a perfect background for  “grandchildrening…..”

I’ll recruit my army from the orphanages”
Reprinted with Permission from Bob Dylan; Copyright © 2006 by Special Rider Music


Please learn more from David Dilley here:

