Emergency Medical Services as a Right for All

The culture of EMS and ambulance service is like a tree that moves and grows by its roots…The deepest and the primary taproot of the EMS Tree is based in ”healing service and caring for others.”

Renewing sustainable excellence for operational service and clinical quality, funding and cash flows are nourishment traveling through the roots and are essential to continuously feed the EMS Tree.

The trunk represents leadership that is alert, available, strong, agile, and responsive, which facilitates field services in real-time the supporting services of dispatch, communication, materiel, technologies, resource management, active measurements, medical direction, billing and training. The limbs represent the arms of partners, external, for franchise success, which include governments state and local, their staff, fire and public safety agencies, elected officials, community leaders, medical and clinical authorities, health care facilities and delivery systems.

The leaves and flowering of the EMS Tree, the fruits, deliver the best possible outcomes for the patients, as well as customers, employees, owners and community.  The fruit replenishes unceasingly and their seeds create growth.  Renewing caring, clinical excellence with sustainable operational service will effect the highest in performance. Always care for the whole tree; and even though the winds of opposition, error and natural deterioration may from time to time attempt to affect the EMS Tree even seeking to weaken limbs…

Personal vigilance, clinical excellence, a strong support service system, stellar teams in leadership and real-time active measurements with that deep moral taproot within will prevail through any storm, against any doubt, loss or attack and strengthen individuals and team members as well as the entire EMS Tree.

Bob Ramsey with Arizona EMS leadership have emerged as innovators in the development of regionalized systems of care committed to clinical excellence and measurement interventions of data for better outcomes by partnering with public and private healthcare providers, IT developers and government agencies to optimize the rates of survival for cardiac arrest, STEMI, stroke and traumatic brain injury.
Click here for more info.

The Ramsey Community Services Foundation in 2005 helped medical leadership and EMS providers guiding the efforts to enhance community involvement.

In 2001, Sudden Cardiac Arrest claimed the lives of 450,000 Americans. In comparison for the same time period Stroke, Lung Cancer, Breast Cancer, and AIDS claimed 407,522 American lives (167,366; 157,400; 40,600; and 42,156 respectively). Our Foundation triggered community involvement enhancement by:

  1. We donated hundreds of AEDs to community centers and public safety agencies for out-of-hospital cardiac arrests that includes bystander CPR/CCC.
  2. We produced and funded public safety announcements on local TV and our Foundation developed electronic Patient Care Record (ePCR) to enhance EMS studies assuring high quality CPR via minimal chest compression interruptions, maximal correct compression rate, depth, recoil, and no over-ventilation.
  3. We improved mean time between 9-1-1 contact and initial ECG rhythm analysis by prehospital personnel.
  4. We helped in support and to promote training efforts to new resuscitation protocol.

The results helped improve mean time between 9-1-1 contact and initial defibrillation by prehospital personnel, enhancing the level of pre-hospital personnel, adherence to resuscitation protocol. This also expanded the delivery of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients to a Cardiac Arrest Center when feasible. We saw improvement of survival rates of out-of-hospital overall cardiac arrests and ventricular fibrillation (VF) cardiac arrests.

Getting the right patient to the right hospital in the right time frame means a patient triaged with a specific medical emergency is transported with the appropriate level and practice of medical care to the appropriate hospital to treat the emergency. That’s why our Foundation helped establish “Heart Safer Cites” by improving national averages 4 and 5 times.

Our Ramsey Foundation also helps in establishing multiple studies using real-time measurements in distinct time frames with active management information technologies for practicing evidence-based medicine via stadardized data collection and analysis; continuous quality improvement; intersecting emergent patients’ needs with the appropriate prehospital treatment, transport, and health care institution: Traumatic Injury, ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI), Acute Stroke and EPIC Study.

Bob is in the news!  He has made headlines following a wonderful lifetime achievement award in healthcare:
Lifetime Achievement Winner Bob Ramsey
Business Journal recognizes health care honorees

Our Foundation is privileged to serve The Clinton Global Initiative within areas of ideas and solutions for worldwide health and wellness.  We welcome you to learn more, please.